Jul 8, 2014 - care and information. As with the Neons, Endlers are fast enough to stay out of the way of the Betts and would likely do fine however the additional activity in the tank may stress the Betta. Although the two strains are technically Orchid Endlers, over the years they have become quite different from each other. Endlers Livebearers: Keeping Only One Sex, Stable & Natural Water Conditions Can Help Produce Healthy Endlers, Preventing Illness in Endlers Livebearers, The Confusion Between Pure Endlers, Hybrid Endlers, and Guppies. For example pure female El Tigre Endlers normally have a black dorsal fin. guppys endler variés Poecilia sp. The Yellow Tiger Endler’s Livebearer (Poecilia wingei var. Endler’s livebearer fish are also known as the Black-bar Endler or Endler’s guppy. These differences in genetics may show up later in later generations. This hybridization may result in a dramatic change in appearance or it may go undetected for some time. The Endlers Livebearer is a really nice looking livebearer that the true wild strain is almost extinct, if not already is. I would love to have these in my 10 gallon tank. What females were used? Male Guppies usually have very slender body. $68.08. Apr 2, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by stephen plenty. yeah, I guess so, There is also rare occasions where females may exhibit black dorsal fins or caudal fins where the strain usually displays clear fins. These fry can literally fly across a room and into another tank undetected as they try to escape the net. Son nom est donné en hommage à un botaniste et explorateur britannique nommé Robert John Lechmere Guppy. We have attempted to produce a line of Endlers that all have extra long swordtails using several different strains however the end result has always produced fry that grow to have a very small swordtail. Guppy oder auch Endler Guppys: Man kann sagen, dass dieser Fisch, welchen wir euch heute vorstellen wollen, der wohl bekannteste im Süßwasseraquarium ist. It would be a shame to mix the two strains together as there has been so much work done to make each strain as beautiful as possible. We’ve often heard that you can breed a pure male Endler from one strain with a pure female Endler from another strain and you would get a pure strain Endler that is just like the original male. Guppy commun: Je suis sûre que quand vous avez vu ces couleurs vous vous dites, Wouaaa!!! Line Breeding Endlers… A Casual Hobbyist Approach, Making Your Endlers as Beautiful as Possible, Wild Strain Endlers Livebearers VS Non-Wild, Characteristics We Find Desirable In Orchid Endlers, Orchid Endlers: A Unique Livebearer for Your Aquarium. Of course like many livebearers, Endlers are a highly variable species and no two Endlers are exactly alike. Guppies get along well with other fish so they can share a tank with other non-violent marine animals. Information About Endlers, Guppies & Other Freshwater Fish. Long swordtails are often the sign of hybridization however the swordtail on the pure Endlers is much thinner. Female Endlers in a few Endler strains exhibit black coloration on the dorsal fin. FINS. To breed these fish all you need to do is put male and female fish in a tank together. Guppies have a gonopodium that is thicker with several hooks. As far as the number of fish goes you should be fine with 6 males as long as the tank is well cycled and has a good filtration system. You may go to any sold out listing and click on the “email me when available” button to sign up to be notified the instant we are able to put something back in stock. Are Hybrid Endlers Healthier than Fancy Guppies? We're excited about these fish and proud to have them in our aquariums. Fish Wholesale Database Endlers tend to have a thinner body shape this is especially true around the rear portion of the body. Les guppies sont originaires d’Amérique du Sud. The distinctive feature of this fish is its tiny size – male isn’t larger than 1 inch (2–2,5 cm), female can grow up to 1.4 inches long (3,5 cm). Those that are more stocky or have large fins are usually referred to as Guppies. There is even a possibility that Philippe Voisin used females that he already had in stock. Females are able to breed when they are only two months old. I think she's also pregnant, Yellow Tiger was originally created accidentally from a cross between Endlers and guppies. Référence : FQGUENTI4. Leopard Tail Endlers Hybrid 0.5" Out of stock. These guppy species thrive in warm water. Thank you for you're help. We have seen this in nearly every type of pure N Class Endler we have kept however it does not occur very often. They all look pure endler though they can't be as they were bred from females known to be endler-guppy hybrids. Most Bronze guppies on the show bench have either Red BiColor or Green BiColor tails. Catégorie. Another reason we think hybrid Endlers are a good thing is it helps the genetically weak Guppy population to become stronger. Why do female guppies attack male guppies? It may very well be a male fancy guppy with bloat. Males tend to bother the females too much if you have more males than females. This guppy has a half black body with any pastel solid color in their caudal … Un mâle mesure 3 à 4 cm, alors qu’une femelle peut atteindre jusqu’à 7 cm de longueur. Les paramètres et la température sont identiques à celles du guppy classique. 1 individu. Thank you for your comments and I would like to order 2 of each as I have no desire or time to breed them. I’ve been told that el salto, staeck, Japan blue, and yellow tiger are not wingei, is that correct? Do you have a photo of the males? Male guppy color patterns are known to vary within and among river drainages in association with important ecological factors, including predation (Endler 1983; Grether et al. Another thing that can help differentiate a Guppy from an Endler is the body color of the females. Les guppys sont de magnifiques poissons. Another way that Endlers can become hybridized if you keep more than one strain (Endler/Endler hybrid) or if you keep other livebearers is from fry jumping out of a net undetected. Toujours mettre 1 mâle pour 3 femelles car le mâle se montre pressant face aux femelles. Endlers have a thin gonopodium that has one hook. your own Pins on Pinterest Browse our Endler Forum: http://www.myaquariumclub.com/our-endler-forum-18647928.html. Tips for separating male and female guppies, http://www.myaquariumclub.com/our-endler-forum-18647928.html, I need help figuring out if my glofish are male or female. It is true that when you breed a male Endler from one strain with a female Endler from another strain the resulting male offspring usually look like the original male Endler. If your female guppy is pregnant, her body may look boxy or stuffed and even lumpy. From a conservationists point of view it is very important to keep Endlers pure and prevent hybridization. These hybrids can produce beautiful results and may have traits that are associated with both Endlers and guppies. Also, all the male fry look like their father no matter what the maternal grandfather was. I don’t believe that Japan Blue Guppies have any Endler genetics in them at all. Endlers can be in amazing contrasting colors with some having bright metallic shades, iridescent tones, and glowing vivid colors. Our experience has shown that this happens in about 1% of the males. Most of the fish sold at different pet shops under the name of Endler’s guppy is the hybrids of these two fishes. Si cette règle n'est pas respectée on peut observer des comportements totalement aberrants pour. Info. Once and a while genes break away from the chromosomes during the reproductive cycle. Le mâle étant très actif au niveau sexuel, optez donc pour le ratio suivant : 3 femelles pour 1 mâle. Nice looking Endlers. While the Endlers may look very similar to the ones captured in Venezuela they can never be exactly the same. Loricariidae. Female Guppies are almost twice as big as male are. The Mysteries Surrounding the Endler Classification System (ECS), Philippe Voisin’s Tremendous Contributions to the Endler Community, Campoma & Cumana Region Endlers Discovered Since 2007. The Males are Rare Beautiful, and example of the unique Premium Pet Fish offered for sale here on AquariumFish.net. Can a male guppy and a female molly have babies, ive heard r... Why is it that my female betta is the one who is chasing the male? Thank you for sharing. female fin there usually shape triangular,, While wild Guppies and Endlers may look quite similar, male Endlers have much brighter and intense color. And if you have males and females—or rather, if you have even a single female who has been in the company of a male—you will have babies. The primary purpose of our website is to share information to help others enjoy the hobby as much as we do. I don’t believe any of them are pure wingei with the possible exception of the Staeck Endlers. As per IFGA standards a Gold guppy must have at least 25% of the body showing the color of real gold metal on the body. This is well thought out to weak the genetic pool and thus prohibited by many fish hobbyists who desire to manage unadulterated strains. Later Philippe Voisin returned to the same location and captured one or more Blue Star Endler males. Care should however be taken to make sure the tetras will not nip at the Endlers. Nobody can supply Endlers that are exactly like the ones in the wild unless the Endlers themselves came directly from the wild. Le Guppy Endler vit en harem, comptez 3 femelles pour un mâle. while male fin there are modified and looks slim and pointed.. Sexual selection may explain why secondary sexual traits of males are so strongly developed in some species that they seem maladaptive. Recent DNA and genetic testing has shown that Endlers (Poecilia wingei) have been reproductively separated from Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) for 500,000 to 5 million years. The fertilisation in Endler fish takes at the age of 2months. There are also many other colors that can be found depending on the strain.Most strains have a dorsal fin that is small clear and rounded however some strains can produce very colorful dorsal fins. The Snakeskin Orchid Endlers are simply a variation of the Orchid Endlers. Discover (and save!) Due to long term selective breeding programs there are some breeds, which you won’t encounter in the wild. C'est une espèce au tempérament plutôt calme . Because, they are really moving fish. These are sometimes referred to as Endler/Endler hybrids which are not actually genetic hybrids just crosses withing the same species. We usually recommend 3 trios. The Bronze guppy is a guppy that is a genetic gold with more than 25% ” gold color” on the body with scales outlined in black. The Endler's Livebearer is thought to be just a color variant of the common guppy (Poecilia reticulate), but it is under debate whether that is true or not. Gender difference Endler’s livebearers male and female deferences. Tracey. Technically they are both Orchid Endlers. For the most part we don’t create hybrids as there are so many great hybrids being created by hobbyists all the time. Le Poecilia wingei est un très petit poisson tropical d'eau douce, vif et coloré. Can Neon Tetras be bred by Endlers? Some Differences between Endlers and Guppies. Guppy Endler femelle. The male’s fins are more visible. There is quite a bit of debate concerning El Salto Guppies. Zone de vie . Your email address will not be published. I don’t want to put any other live bearers in the tank, no guppies, no swordtails or mollies or stuff like that. I have been reading all I can and am confused about the N Class and the Pure Class are those the same thing? Are Endler females genetically strain specific, or are they “neutral,” and dependant on the male’s DNA to produce the coloration in the offspring?