This page was last edited on 4 December 2020, at 00:25. [54] According to the post-war testimony of Rudolf Höss, the Auschwitz commandant, he was asked by Walter Dürrfeld [de], technical manager of the IG Farben Auschwitz plant, whether it was true that Jews were being cremated at Auschwitz. One ton of Zyklon B was enough to kill around 312,500 people. IG Farben owned 42.5 percent of Degesch shares, and three members of Degesch's 11-person executive board, Wilhelm Rudolf Mann, Heinrich Hörlein and Carl Wurster, were directors of IG Farben. IG Farben, Interessengemeinschaft der deutschen Teerfarbenindustrie (Tyska tjärfärgsindustrins intressegemenskap) och från 1925 I.G. "'Straight to Hell' Bypasses Substance,", "Records of the United States Nuernberg War Crimes Trials, United States of America v Carl Krauch et al. Farben both in Germany and globally. [a] These companies continued to operate as an informal cartel and played a major role in the West German Wirtschaftswunder. 9". Weiler-ter Meer, concentrated on high-quality specialty dyes. [a], In its heyday, IG Farben was the largest company in Europe and the largest chemical and pharmaceutical company in the world. [7], IG Farben has been described as "the most notorious German industrial concern during the Third Reich". Now IG Farben … Zyklon B was pure Prussic acid, a lethal poison produced by I.G. "[47], Between 1942 and 1945 a cyanide-based pesticide, Zyklon B, was used to kill over one million people, mostly Jews, in gas chambers in Europe, including in the Auschwitz II and Majdanek extermination camps in German-occupied Poland. Zyklon B was the trade name of a cyanide-based pesticide invented in Germany in the early 1920s. Farbenindustrie AG, var en tysk kemi- och läkemedelskoncern.IG Farben med huvudkontor i Frankfurt am Main blev världens största kemikoncern efter bildandet 1925. They produced everything from pharmaceuticals to manufacturing chemicals to explosives. When the workers became too weak from starvation or illness to work for the cartel, they were gassed in the camp by a prized IG Farben product called Zyklon-B. "Kontrollratsgesetz Nr. The firm's factories included a synthetic rubber plant at the Auschwitz concentration camp where 30,000 people worked until they died or were deemed unfit and sent to the gas chambers. "[40] The company placed its resources, technical capabilities and overseas contacts at the German government's disposal. McCloy. L'abréviation IG Farben désigne la société allemande fondée le 1er janvier 1925 sous le nom de IG-Farbenindustrie AGnote 1. [38], Company executives said after the war that they had not known what was happening inside the camps. [70] Ambros, Bütefisch, Dürrfeld, Krauch and ter Meer were convicted of "participating in ... enslavement and deportation for slave labor".[71]. Head of dept. (Case VI)", "The Devil's Chemists on Trial: The American Prosecution of I.G. Medical Experiments in Auschwitz Conducted by I.G. Two years earlier, another part of Hoechst was sold in 1997 to the chemical spin-off of Sandoz, the Muttenz (Switzerland) based Clariant. 52", 2 July 1945, which allowed the US to disperse "ownership and control of such of the plants and equipment seized under this order as have not been transferred or destroyed". The remaining property, worth DM 21 million (£6.7 million or €10.7 million), went to a buyer. IG Farben scientists made fundamental contributions to all areas of chemistry. Despite the extensive evidence presented by the prosecution that showed that the company had been deeply involved in Germany's rearmament after World War I from the onset, the tribunal rejected the charges for preparing an aggressive war and for conspiracy to that end. [86] Its stock (denominated in Reichsmarks) traded on German markets until early 2012. [88] Each year, the company's annual meeting in Frankfurt was the site of demonstrations by hundreds of protesters. Höss replied that he could not discuss it and thereafter assumed that Dürrfeld knew. [1] BASF was the nominal survivor; all shares were exchanged for BASF shares. Instead, Hoechst and Cassella made an alliance based on mutual equity stakes in 1904. [24] In 1904, after returning to Germany, he proposed a nationwide merger of the producers of dye and pharmaceuticals in a memorandum to Gustav von Brüning, the senior manager at Hoechst. The pesticide Zyklon B, for which IG Farben held the patent, was manufactured by Degesch (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung), which IG Farben owned 42.2 percent of (in shares) and which had IG Farben managers in its Managing Committee. [60] Wurster became chair of the IG Farben board, helped to reestablish BASF as a separate company, and became an honorary professor at the University of Heidelberg. In 1947 the American government put IG Farben's directors on trial. [35] In February 1941 Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler signed an order[36] supporting the construction of an IG Farben Buna-N (synthetic rubber) plant—known as Monowitz Buna Werke (or Buna)—near the Monowitz concentration camp, part of the Auschwitz concentration camp complex in German-occupied Poland. The Nazi chemicals giant IG Farben used forced labor and made poison gas. [25][page needed], Hoechst and several pharmaceutical firms refused to join. IG Farben perusti muun muassa keinokumin tuotantolaitoksen Auschwitzin keskitysleirin alueelle. The dispute arose mainly because Degussa had also owned 42.2 percent of the shares in Degesch (… Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. Työntekijät tehtaalle saatiin viereisen Monowitzin leirin vangeista. Farben. The product is notorious for its use by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust to murder approximately 1.1 million people in gas chambers installed at … Joined supervisory boards of Süddeutsche Kalkstickstoff-Werke AG Trostberg and Rheinauer Holzhydrolyse-GmbH, Mannheim. IG, lit. The charges consequently centered on preparing to wage an aggressive war, but also on slave labor and plundering. In 1908 Hoechst and Cassella acquired 88 percent of the shares of Chemische Fabrik Kalle. [46] A Bayer employee wrote to Rudolf Höss, the Auschwitz commandant: "The transport of 150 women arrived in good condition. [37] One of IG Farben's subsidiaries supplied the poison gas, Zyklon B, that killed over one million people in gas chambers. IG Farben has been described as "the most notorious German industrial concern during the Third Reich". 's immense productive facilities, its far-reaching research, varied technical expertise and overall concentration of economic power, Germany would not have been in a position to start its aggressive war in September 1939. [31], IG Farben was controversial on both the far left and far right, partly for the same reasons, related to the size and international nature of the conglomerate and the Jewish background of several of its key leaders and major shareholders. As of 2012[update] it still existed as a corporation in liquidation.[89]. They paid RM 150 per woman, all of whom died as a result of the research; the camp had asked for RM 200 per person, but Bayer had said that was too high. Archived from the original on 14 March 2007. What is interesting is that ‘popular’ books and media for 70 years stated “Six Million European Jews were killed”. Nobody could live in Auschwitz and work in the plant, or even come down to the plant, without knowing what was common knowledge to everybody. The tribunal concluded that the defendants could be held responsible only for this one case. Tuhansia ihmisiä kuoli pakkotyönsä aikana. Farben Leverkusen and sold from the Bayer sales office through Degesch, an independent license holder. Sur les 24 accusés, 13 ont été condamnés à des peines de prison, 10 ont ét… Also presided over the GfK (Society for Consumer Research) and the Foreign Trade Committee of the BDI, Federation of German Industry. Telford Taylor was the chief counsel for the prosecution. 9, "Seizure of Property owned by I.G. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Trials of War Criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. Joined the board and supervisory council of WASAG Chemie-AG and Mitteldeutsche Sprengstoff-Werke GmbH. The minutes of a meeting of the Commercial Committee on 10 September 1937 noted: It is generally agreed that under no circumstances should anybody be assigned to our agencies abroad who is not a member of the German Labor Front and whose positive attitude towards the new era has not been established beyond any doubt. 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Farben and Krupp trials", "Elimination of German Resources for War", "Die Entflechtung der I.G. Planning, preparation, initiation, and waging of wars of aggression and invasions of other countries. Zyklon B wurde von den Dessauer Werken für Zucker und chemische Industrie (kurz: Fine) und den Kaliwerken Kolin für die Degesch (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung m.b.H.) According to prisoner-physicians who witnessed the experiments, after being given the drugs the women would experience circulation problems, bloody vomiting, and painful diarrhea "containing fragments of muscus membrane". Products According to the historian Peter Hayes, "the killings were an open secret within Farben, and people worked at not reflecting upon what they knew."[39]. Volume X: The I.G. Similar mergers took place in other countries. All defendants who were sentenced to prison received early release. He stated that: ...the record shows that Farben willingly cooperated and gladly utilized each new source of manpower as it developed. [58] Charles Coward, a British POW who had been held at Auschwitz III, told the IG Farben trial: The population at Auschwitz was fully aware that people were being gassed and burned. [citation needed] In January 1955 the Allied High Commission issued the I.G. produziert. Royal Dutch Shell was a business partner of I.G. In 1951 the company was split into its original constituent companies. The liberal and business-friendly German People's Party was its most pronounced supporter. [8] A decade later, it was a Nazi Party donor and, after the Nazi takeover of Germany in 1933, a major government contractor, providing significant material for the German war effort. Otto Bayer discovered the polyaddition for the synthesis of polyurethane in 1937. War crimes and crimes against humanity through participation in the, Membership in a criminal organization, the. The first American air raid on Frankfurt came on January 29, 1944, when a vast fleet of 800 B-17 Flying Fortresses obliterated the entire city—except the IG Farben … [27], Within the Dreibund, Bayer and BASF concentrated on dye, while Agfa increasingly concentrated on photographic film. Formed in 1925 from a merger of six chemical companies—BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, Agfa, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, and Chemische Fabrik vorm. IG Farben-made Zyklon B poison gas canisters were thrown into the shower chambers. [55] The general manager of Degesch is said to have learned about the gassings from Kurt Gerstein of the SS. manufactured the Zyklon-B used to murder over 6 million Jews, Poles, Gypsies, homosexuals and Russians in the concentration camp GAS CHAMBERS—they were carrying out Pilgrims Society depopulation. [65][2] The division of property followed the division of Germany into four zones: American, British, French and Soviet. Degussa produced the anti-graffiti substance Protectosil used to cover the stelae which are the major element in the memorial. Most of the experiments were conducted in Birkenau in Block 20, the women's camp hospital. [38] Degesch originally supplied the gas to Auschwitz to fumigate clothing that was infested with lice, which carried typhus. The four largest quickly bought the smaller ones. [20] Because of this unique situation, the economic historian Alfred Chandler called the German dye companies "the world's first truly managerial industrial enterprises".